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ACH Group submits plan for $20 million small home model development north of Adelaide

1 min read

GTA Consultants lodged a development proposal on behalf of the ACH Group for its 13th aged care home in South Australia, ‘Healthia’, which would be located in Elizabeth South, north of Adelaide.

The $20.8 million proposal, submitted to the Playford Council, would see eight single storey and self-contained buildings constructed across 1.5 hectares and servicing 96 residents in a small home model.

The eight buildings would each contain 12-bedroom houses with residents having their own room and a private ensuite, along with a range of communal areas outside.

34 staff would be on site for the day shift, 24 staff in the afternoon and 4 for the overnight rotation, along with external operators such as doctors also being on site during the day.

The Not For Profit said the new development would be built to meet contemporary energy and water efficiency standards as part of its sustainability initiative.  

Brown Falconer Architects was commissioned to draw up the design plans which were submitted to Council.

Playford Council is assessing the development application and if approved ACH expects to begin construction by the middle of 2021 and be completed by the end of 2022.

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