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Ageing Australia announces another 2 intakes to Nursing Transition to Practice Program after 76 graduates accept jobs in aged care

1 min read

Since graduating from the peak body's Nursing Transition to Practice Program (NTPP) in February 2025, Graduate Enrolled Nurse Edna Odhiambo has been employed at Whiddon Residential Care Kelso in Bathurst, about 200km directly west of Sydney.

“Completing this program is an achievement I am proud of," said Edna. "It felt good to put into practice what I have learned and be able to make a real and positive impact on people’s lives every day."

Edna now wants to pursue further education and qualify as a registered nurse (RN).

Jodi Short

Jodi Short (pictured right) graduated as a Registered Nurse in December 2023 and from the NTPP last month.

She's interested in pursuing leadership roles in the future and is currently working at Integratedliving on the NSW Mid North Coast in Port Stephens.

New intakes this year

Ageing Australia had 76 Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses complete the latest NTPP intake and all have demonstrated their commitment to aged care by pursuing careers in the sector after graduating. Of the graduates, 69 took part over 12 months, while seven Transitioning RNs joined the program for six months from other nursing fields to move into aged care. 

Ageing Australia has now announced they will be offering another two intakes to the NTPP, which is designed to equip nursing professionals with the skills and knowledge required to work in aged care, in May and September 2025.

Ageing Australia had 125 nurses in its first intake into the NTPP in 2023.

The aged care sector is estimated to be short 1,490 RNs in 2024-25.

Applications for the May intake are opening soon, More information is here.

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