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Anika Wells to appear on ABC TV’s Kitchen Cabinet

1 min read

The Minister for Aged Care and Sport Anika Wells will appear in the final episode of series seven of the ABC TV's Kitchen Cabinet next week.

Anika, a 38-year-old mother of three, including three-year-old twins, was the youngest female member of Parliament when elected in 2019. Originally a lawyer, Wells worked in aged care as a university student.

Anika enlists host Annabel Crabb to help prepare a huge lasagne hiding more than 2.5 kilos of vegetables from her unsuspecting children.

While blending large amounts of vegetables in a food processor, the two discuss ambition, ultimate frisbee, gender in politics, plus juggling high pressure ministerial portfolios, a young family, and a chronic disease.

The episode will be aired next Tuesday 3 October on ABC TV at 8pm.

The SOURCE: Anyone following aged care will be interested in the insights Anika might reveal in the relaxed environment of her home kitchen under the skillful questioning of Annabel Crabb.

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