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Federal Government calls for feedback on new Aged Care Act

1 min read

As well as asking for feedback on funding reforms, the Government is seeking views on a new Aged Care Act.

A new Aged Care Act was the Royal Commission’s first recommendation, with the Commissioners recommending the new Act come into force on 1 July 2023. That date has passed, but the process is slowly proceeding and is now expected to be passed 1 July 2024, according to the Aged Care Roadmap.

As recommended by the Royal Commission, the new Act will be “rights based”, which means it will “put the rights and needs of older people at its centre”.

The Government has prepared a Consultation Paper, Factsheets and FAQs which are available here.

The Government is asking for feedback on:

  • the structure, purpose and constitutional foundation for the new Act
  • the Statement of Rights
  • the Statement of Principles
  • the definition of high-quality care
  • a new duty of care and compensation pathways
  • protections for whistle-blowers
  • embedding supported decision-making
  • eligibility for Commonwealth funded aged care services.

Once feedback has been received, the Government will write an Exposure Draft Bill for the Act, and there will be another round of public consultations. 

You can provide feedback on the Consultation Paper by completing a survey or emailing a question to AgedCareLegislativeReform@Health.gov.au.

Other ways to be involved include attending a webinar on the new Act or attending workshops hosted by Council on the Ageing (COTA) and the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN).

The SOURCE: A new Aged Care Act is overarching legislation that is meant to make the fundamental change of putting the consumer at the centre of aged care.

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