The Not For Profit’s Byron Bay aged care home was due to close on 19 July 2023, but is being forced to continue operating due to the refusal of a small number of residents to leave.
Feros Care said in a statement, “Due to the refusal of residents to leave the facility within the timeframe, and our commitment as a charity to the safety and wellbeing of residents, we will continue to operate.”
“Our priority remains to support the remaining residents to make decisions in their best interests to ensure their current and future care needs are met.”
However, Feros said they will not continue to operate “indefinitely”.
In February 2023, Feros Care made the decision to close the Byron Bay home because its 33-year-old buildings were deemed no longer fit for purpose. Initially, the home was scheduled to close on 23 June this year but when 10 residents refused to leave a one-month extension was granted until 19 July.
The SOURCE: Providers have a legal duty to provide security of tenure to residents so it’s almost impossible to force them out.