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On any given day 90-120 older Illawarra hospital patients should be in an aged care home

1 min read

"The average length of stay for patients in ISLHD awaiting RACF placement over the past 12 months is 35 days, compared with a 6.5-day average length of stay for overnight episodes of care," Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) Acting Chief Executive and Executive Director Clinical Operations Margaret Martin told The Weekly SOURCE.

The challenge for ISLHD hospitals is a lack of available aged care beds in the region.

The ISLDH has a range of programs to support patient placements and avoid unnecessary trips to hospital for aged care residents including:

  • an Aged Care Outreach Service (ACOS) where a team of specialist clinicians provide in-home assessment and medical care to RACF residents. Since October 2023, there have been 1,803 referrals to the ACOS service, with 80% of those managed in the home without the need to go to hospital,
  • a 20-bed Transitional Aged Care Ward at Figtree Private Hospital, which is at 100% occupancy, 
  • increased Hospital In The Home capacity,
  • virtually enhanced community care, and
  • virtual hospital wards so patients can be supported with their care at home.

A spokesperson for Not For Profit retirement living and aged care provider IRT Group, which has a current average occupancy of 97.5%, told The Weekly SOURCE that more than 70% of its new residents come from Local Health District (LHDs) hospitals across the Illawarra and Shoalhaven.

"We have a robust admissions process which includes a 24-hour response to the LHDs or residents from community on IRT’s ability to meet the needs of new residents relative to their clinical and holistic needs and bed availability," the spokesperson said.

In its 2022-23 annual report, IRT Chair Mike Halloran and CEO Patrick Reid (pictured) stated that in order to fund its ongoing delivery of aged care homes it is building more retirement living units.

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