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Apparently, incontinence is a laughing matter! 

1 min read

The Laugh Without Leaking Campaign

How would you tackle this?

The objective – to spread the word that most continence problems can be helped or cured by seeking professional help

The challenge – until the 5 million people in Australia that suffer from incontinence can comfortably talk about the issue they will continue to “put up with it”.

That is 1 in 5 of us, you could be one.

It’s human nature to rely on humour to get us through some of those tough or embarrassing topics – incontinence being one of them.

The Continence Foundation of Australia have embraced this and has constructed their latest campaign around a stand-up comedy show.

Fronted by comedian Bev Killick, she shares her experiences with incontinence in a stand-up comedy routine.

The campaign’s radio and TV commercials are clips of her comedy routine followed by a more serious message about seeking help to “laugh without leaking”. Check one out here.

Laugh Without Leaking is also partnering with the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow (3 months traveling Australia), running a social media campaign on a search for the best toilet humour and encouraging events to be held around Australia (kits provided) during World Continence Week (18-24 June 2018).

Humour is used often in marketing campaigns, but the Continence Foundation of Australia is taking it to a whole other level – what a brilliant strategy!
