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The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) takes the gloves off (again) to push for staff ratios in aged care with new TV and billboard campaign

1 min read

Targeting returning Federal Senators, the campaign uses people involved in the aged care system including a registered nurse (RN), assistant in nursing (AIN), family member of a resident, doctor and community supporter. The media campaign is aiming to raise public awareness alongside a series of national TV commercials and mobile billboards in Canberra.

The ANMF highlights how there are fewer and fewer nurses and carers to care for an increasing number of residents with increasingly complex medical needs, citing figures including:

  • A 13% reduction in trained nursing staff working full-time in aged care facilities from 2003 to 2016;
  • A 400% increase in preventable deaths in nursing homes, from falls, choking and suicides in the past 13 years; and
  • The two hours and 50 minutes of care residents receive compared to the recommended four hours and 18 minutes.

All these points were raised in this week’s lengthy and critical A Current Affair report. The ANMF has also thrown its support behind Senator Derryn Hinch, who has introduced a private member’s bill, the Aged Care Amendment (Ratio of Skilled Staff to Care Recipients Bill) 2017.

They argue that Australia has strict ratios for childcare, but not for aged care, creating a system where one registered nurse may be responsible for more than 100 residents. Meanwhile, taxpayer-funded providers increase their profits, pocketing over $1 billion in profits while cutting staff. (he sector turns over more than $18 billion, so $1 billion equates to a 5.5% profit).

You can watch the ads on their Facebook page at MoreStaffForAgedCare.com.au here.

They are slickly done – and well-timed following the recent negative media coverage of aged care homes in Australia. Will they get any traction?

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