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CEOs from east to west join Mirus for AN-ACC webinar

1 min read

Mirus Australia has held a webinar to discuss the results of its AN-ACC survey, with several industry CEOs participating.

Lucy O’Flaherty of Columbia Aged Care, Veronica Jamison of Shepparton Retirement Villages, Daniel Aitchison of Clayton Church Homes, and Russell Bricknell of BaptistCare WA all joined Mirus CEO Andrew Farmer (pictured) on the webinar to discuss the survey's findings that 70% of CEOs have done “little or nothing” to prepare for the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC), which replaces ACFI on 1 October.

Andrew told The Weekly SOURCE that the CEOs had a variety of different concerns about how AN-ACC would affect their businesses.

“The change is the same for everybody, but it’s landing on every provider very, very differently depending on where they’re up to and their own journey.

“So, some were worried about staff, some were worried about funding, obviously, and their ability to survive. Some were worried about a lack of transparency or lack of information,” he said.

Mirus will host another related webinar in a month’s time, Andrew added.

“The point of it is to share as much information as possible with the industry, with each other, and try to figure out how to how to make this transition together. That’s really what's important,” he said.

The webinar and survey findings are available on the Mirus website.

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