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Are you strategically prepared for the next 5 years given the macro changes rushing towards us?

1 min read

I have been reporting on the retirement living, home care and residential aged care sectors for 20 years. The future has never been as uncertain as today. 

With the first wave of Baby Boomers turning 80 this year, demand for ageing service will jump by 40% over the next five years. It is inevitable.  

But we have not built 40% more retirement villages, a 40% bigger home care workforce or 40% more aged care beds. In fact we haven’t built any of these. Nor have we built the extra hospital beds, which are already jammed. 

Added to this, 60% of Baby Boomers have real wealth and will spend it. This is an opportunity for operators. But 40% have little or no wealth. This is a real challenge for us as a country. 

LEADERS SUMMIT 2025: Two days of intense strategy 

To really understand what is coming at us and what the leading operators are strategising to make their future secure and successful, please join us at the LEADERS SUMMIT next month. 

We have picked 44 executives that are shaping their business for this uncertain future. (See sample above). 

Private aged care in retirement villages will be big. Home care will be far more clinical and reliant on technology and logistics. (There will be far fewer but bigger home care providers). Residential care will be different. State and federal government policy will be playing catchup with the unfolding health dilemma. 

Mergers and failures are inevitable.  

Just 100 delegate positions available 

If these scenarios cause you to stop and think, please join us at the LEADERS SUMMIT. We have designed the program for you. 

But don’t hesitate, as we are 4/5ths sold out with only 100 places available. 

The dates are 18 & 19 March at the Hyatt Regency Sydney, at Barangaroo. 

This is our 15th SUMMIT, and we believe our most important for the sector. 

Check out the program HERE

Hope you can make it. 

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