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National Village Survey reveals strong satisfaction but also ‘anger’

1 min read

For the past 10 days, we have been fielding hundreds of phone calls from village residents who were participating in our villages.com.au/AOR National Village Survey.

Emotions are high in villages across the country.

Most of the calls were complaints to us because these residents only had the option of an online survey. They didn’t have online access but they wanted to be heard.

(We had to explain that the choice had to be made either not do the survey because of the cost of Pen & Paper or to restrict to online. Our researchers, AOR specified a 4% control group with Pen & Paper which we exceeded).

The split has been about 50/50 in praise of their village and ‘we are not happy with our village’.

This is our third National Survey (2011 and 2013) and the resident climate has changed significantly.

‘Respect’ is the most common word expressed, criticising the operators and management.

Last night the survey closed officially. We had 15,362 online survey completions, with expectations of getting close to 20,000 once the 5,100 pen and paper surveys are returned (at 60% completion) and straggler villages that required extensions.

This will deliver a completion rate heading towards 25% of the 74,210 residents it was distributed to, across 542 villages and 59 operators (private and Not For Profit).

It will immediately identify problems within villages and a roadmap for the sector.

A full analysis of the big issues and actions that need to be taken will be presented at our LEADERS SUMMIT 2018 at the Hilton Sydney, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 March.

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