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After eight years, Mbark’s proposed retirement village at Federal Golf Club in ACT to finally go before public

1 min read

In October 2015, the Golf Club’s board signed a 99-year peppercorn lease with Mbark to develop a retirement village with amenities to provide an on-going revenue stream. 

Club members voted and accepted the golf club retirement village plan the following year and since then the board has held extensive consultation with the local community, environmental groups and planning authorities.

Last month, the ACT Government finally gave approval of the Territory Plan Variation to allow a sub-lease of part of the land for the building of a 125-dwelling retirement village.

Now it is approaching the community consultation period – 26 June to 5 August – with Red Hill Golf Club holding a public meeting on 2 August. In addition, the Club is holding two information sessions via Zoom and an open invitation at the Club.

The Federal Golf Club estimates the village would bring in $18 million and allow it “to undertake essential maintenance of its more than 80 hectares of publicly accessible open space.”

Mbark, founded by James Robinson, John Leo, and Adam Somerville, own and operate retirement villages Arbour, in Berry, NSW South Coast, and Wivenhoe Village, in Camden, in Sydney’s southwest.

Check out the 40 retirement homes in Canberra on villages.com.au.

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