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Aveo chosen by NSW Government as partner to turn Manly Hospital site in Sydney into seniors’ housing

1 min read

First established in 1896, Manly Hospital on Sydney's Northern Beaches was closed in 2018 following the relocation of services to the 488-bed Northern Beaches Hospital, operated and maintained by Healthscope, at Frenchs Forest, 13km north of Sydney's CBD. 

Now the Brookfield-owned retirement village provider has been announced by the NSW Government as a project partner to develop the major masterplan for the site after an Expression of Interest and tender campaign through Property and Development NSW

Aveo CEO Tony Randello (pictured) anticipated the delivery of a “best-in-class” health and wellbeing precinct for the community. 

“Through the proposed inclusions of community spaces, health and hospitality services, a childcare centre, and retirement living, Aveo is excited to welcome the northern beaches community back to the former Manly Hospital site and restore its significant connection to the surrounding area,” he said. 

Subject to approval, the site will be redeveloped into seniors’ housing including independent retirement living, affordable housing and a residential aged care facility through reuse of the heritage buildings.  

The precinct also aims to provide open space, a health and wellbeing centre, community and retail spaces and a childcare centre, in alignment with the community’s vision for the site. 

The site will remain in Government ownership and the proposals will become a State Significant Development Application.  

NSW Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper said the project was ready to proceed to the development application process. 

“We look forward to Aveo’s submission, which will be the next major step in activating the site’s potential to deliver a new reimagined precinct that brings jobs, homes, health and retail to the peninsula,” he said. 

The application will be lodged with the NSW Planning Department and be subject to community consultation when placed on public exhibition. 

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