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Keyton and Australian Unity sell the sizzle of ‘community’ – smart move for Baby Boomers

1 min read

It is refreshing to see the strategy being utilised by sophisticated marketers in the retirement living sector, championing ‘community’ rather than bricks and mortar.

See above the press ad by Keyton for their top tier retirement village brand Ardency and its location in Elizabeth Bay (adjacent to Kings Cross and Rushcutters Bay in Sydney). It appeared in the Domain Prestige magazine, distributed digitally with the Financial Review.

The readership in essence could afford almost any home to downsize to, but a sense of community can only be achieved in a structured environment like a retirement village. But first you need to get prospects ‘down the drive’, and community has a strong emotional appeal.

Note that Keyton’s ad doesn’t mention either Keyton or retirement villages. Sally Taylor takes the same strategy at Retirement By Moran villages – they don’t mention retirement or villages in their ads marketing a 5-Star product.

Australian Unity is currently conducting a whole campaign based on ‘community’, including full page advertorials backed up with ads like this one, that appeared in the Weekend Australian.

They say in their advertorial:

Our resident research shows that retirement villages have no rival in delivering improved physical, emotional and financial health for new residents. For Baby Boomers, these, along with community, are golden messages.

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