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Mbark’s tortuous nine year saga to build a retirement village on Federal Golf Club, Canberra, goes a tiny step further

1 min read

In October 2015, the golf club’s board signed a 99-year peppercorn lease with the upmarket retirement living operator to develop a village with amenities to provide an on-going revenue stream. Club members voted and accepted the golf club retirement village plan the following year. 

Nine years and one month later Mbark has been given conditional approval of a lease variation to add that specific use for 6ha of the club's golf course it is planned to build the village of 125 dwellings and a health and well-being centre. Profile photo of David Consalvi

“Once effected, this approval will match the uses permitted in the club’s crown lease with those that already exist in the Territory Plan,” Mbark Co-Founder and Managing Director David Consalvi said. 

All that is needed now is the approval of Mbark’s seven development applications and two amended applications. 

“All requested information has been provided to the Planning Authority for these applications, which are currently under assessment,” David said. 

The lease variation approval comes with conditions related to contamination risks and traffic issues. Mbark must submit a more detailed site investigation of potential contamination risks to the Environment Protection Authority. 

Browse #1 retirement and community living website villages.com.au and check availability for all retirement living and land lease resorts.      

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