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Taylor chosen to build a further 153 ILUs at Uniting Park Meadows Westmead

1 min read

The builder, who completed the $74.5 million Stage 1 of two six-storey mixed-use buildings designed by Marchese Partners I Life3A in late 2020, has been chosen by the Not For Profit to design and construct Stage 2 of the development in Westmead, 26km west of Sydney's CBD. 

Stage 2 is seven-storey residential buildings 3, 4 and 5 with 40, 50, and 63 independent living units respectively. Each building will include private balconies and terraces for each apartment, common areas, and a roof slab housing plant and equipment.  

The work also includes an indoor swimming pool, a ‘village green’, basement carparking, and associated landscaping and external works. 

Stage 1 consisted of Block A with 32 independent living units, 114 aged care rooms, a dementia day centre, multi-functional spaces, wellness centre, staff administration, village shops, ancillary spaces and two basement levels. Block B included 36 independent living units, an early learning centre and one level of basement with a basement carpark connecting the two blocks.  

Taylor said Stage 2 is due for Completion in January 2027. 

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