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Hengyi gains approval after four years to build retirement village in Mount Eliza on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula

1 min read

The Melbourne-based developer lodged its original planning application for a retirement village in the seaside suburb in September 2020.

Having been unable to obtain a planning permit in relation to that application, Hengyi submitted revised plans to the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council in April 2023. After working with Council to further refine the development plans, Council issued a Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit on 3 May 2024.

A handful of objectors appealed that decision and lodged proceedings at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Following a conciliation conference held at VCAT on 29 August 2024 between the objectors, Council and Hengyi, further modifications to the development plans were made. As a result of these changes, orders were made by VCAT that a permit be granted.Profile photo of Mark Nutter

On 2 September, the Council issued Hengyi with a planning permit for a 104-unit retirement village Beachleigh, which will be a low-rise village set in landscaped surrounds, sympathetic to local neighbourhood character. No building will be taller than two storeys or will exceed the existing eight metre height limit that applies to the site and surrounding neighbourhood.

“The Beachleigh site is unique and we look forward to delivering a project that respects its history and the natural beauty of the location,” Hengyi Senior Development Manager Mark Nutter said.

Construction is expected to start in 2025.

Browse and check availability in retirement villages in Victoria and beyond on the #1 website villages.com.au