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Fed Govt shells out $85 million on My Aged Care to allow doctors to track residents – but rules out integration with My Health Record

1 min read

Doctors and specialists will be able to send referrals directly from their clinical information systems, and track the progress of their clients under the changes, but integration with the national health record will not be part of the revamp.

Industry advice is instead being sought on how to implement two-way messaging, integration with clinical systems, built-in decision support and integration into other health and aged care sector systems.

My Aged Care has been maligned by users since it launched in July 2014.

The Government also plans to spend $61.7 million to make access easier for residents and families including:

  • An upgraded website and enhanced service finder
  • More self-service options;
  • A client journey dashboard; and
  • A referrals system for health professionals.

Unbelievably, another $14.8 million will go towards streamlining the 28-page means test (we can’t comprehend spending this much money on 28 pages!), while $8.8 million has been allocated for MyAgedCare’s long-awaited aged care provider comparison system (also incomprehensible dollars).

The Government will need to work fast though – they have promised the redevelopment will be complete in 12 months (This means they will have to spend $2 million every month on software developers …?)

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