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Fifth worker at RFBI Hawkins Masonic Retirement Village tests positive to COVID

1 min read

The RFBI (Royal Freemasons) on Monday was advised that an agency staff member who worked at its Hawkins Masonic Retirement Village in Edgeworth, 18km west of Newcastle’s CBD, has tested positive. This takes the total to five staff and 15 residents.

One male resident aged in his 90s has died from COVID. He acquired his infection through a link to a COVID-19 positive staff member.

“The agency staff member last worked in the village on 7 August and had been identified as a close contact and has been in self-isolation. The agency staff member had tested negative on their first test and the government contact tracing team do not believe they were infectious while working in the Village,” said a statement from the RFBI.

All the existing residents are in John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, and said to be stable.

Security control the entrance to the facility.

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