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News flash: Govt wants to phase in pay rise for aged care nurses over three years

1 min read

The Australian Government Solicitor has asked the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to phase in any recommended wage increase for aged care nurses over three years.

The FWC is considering the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) application to increase wages for all nurses, including those working in aged care, by up to 35%

The Government "is committed to funding" FWC wage increases for nurses "including on-costs incurred by aged care providers as a result of the wage increases, in all Commonwealth-funded aged care", the Government submission dated 26 August states.

"The Commonwealth notes that further wage increases for registered and enrolled nurses in the aged care sector is not without cost to the Commonwealth and will require significant additional funding to be provided to the aged care sector," the submission states.

The Government's submission put to the FWC asks that wage increases:

  • up to 3% take effect on 1 July 2025;
  • up to a further 3% (i.e. up to 6% total) take effect on 1 October 2025;
  • up to a further 7% (i.e. up to 13% total) take effect on 1 October 2026, and
  • up to a further 7% (i.e. up to 20% total) take effect on 1 October 2027.

The peak body for aged care providers, Aged and Community Care Providers' Association (ACCPA), in a submission to the FWC on the same day, said any wage increases recommended by the FWC must be funded by the Government and "time is required to prepare for implementation of any variations".

The Commonwealth also sought to phase in the FWC's interim pay rise for aged care workers, as well as the Stage 3 pay rise, over longer periods than ultimately decided by the FWC decided.

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