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RSL LifeCare one step closer to fifth Veterans’ and Families’ Wellbeing Hub

1 min read

RSL LifeCare, in partnership with RSL NSW, has submitted a business case to deliver a new Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs in the Hawkesbury and Southwest regions in NSW.

Informed by analysis of veteran data from the Census, the application proposes a connected approach to delivering services for the Hawkesbury region. Hubs are to be established in the Hawkesbury region and at Bardia Barracks in Ingleburn, 45km southwest of Sydney’s CBD, with veterans and their families benefiting from an extensive network of RSL NSW sub-Branches between the two locations.

The announcement is a part of the Australian Government’s $46.7 million commitment to deliver 10 new Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs across the country. In consultation with the local communities and other ex-service organisations, a ‘hub and spoke’ model will be implemented by RSL LifeCare and RSL NSW through the network of RSL sub-Branches in the region.

More than 11,442 veterans and their families that reside in these regions will have access to a range of critical services that are tailored to the needs of the local communities.

RSL LifeCare CEO Janet Muir said that advancing to this next stage in the bid process is an essential milestone for RSL LifeCare and RSL NSW and their commitment to supporting veterans and their families.

RSL LifeCare, with support from RSL NSW, has established four Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs that provide a range of services to veterans and their families across Nowra (pictured), Riverina, Sydney’s Northern Beaches, and Newcastle. The services provided include health and wellbeing, education, housing, social support and connection, employment support, income, and financial support, and support with making claims for entitlements and subsequent advocacy where required.

The SOURCE: Wellness is increasingly a strong value proposition. 

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