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South Australia considering allowing six-storey retirement villages

1 min read

In a bid to help its ageing population, the South Australian Government is investigating changing its Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment.

Consultation is now open for the proposed amendment proposing changes to the planning rules to enable a wider variety of housing and more flexibility for building apartment-style homes and retirement living across the state, states a state government media release.

The Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment is an initiative from the State Government's Housing Roadmap and changes include:

  • Allowing increased building height up to 4-6 storeys for large retirement villages and supported living developments to provide more accommodation for the ageing population to continue living in their own communities
  • Introducing a new form of ‘co-living’ accommodation for residences that rely on shared facilities, such as common kitchens or bathrooms.

"Given the increasing demand for retirement facilities and supported accommodation, policy is proposed to ensure the sector can provide a range of housing choices for an ageing population," said the statement.

Retirement Living Council Executive Director Daniel Gannon has been seeking more supply of land.

“Given this state’s over-75s population will increase by 64% between now and 2040 and the housing supply clamp is tightening, planning changes like this are fundamental,” he said.

“Most people want to age in the community in which they’ve grown up or raised a family, and they typically want to live nearby local amenities including GPs, physiotherapists and hospitals. This means governments need to refine their thinking around dense inner-metropolitan housing options for older South Australians.”

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