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Uniting Communities wants to create intergenerational living in rezoning appeal to SA Govt

1 min read

The Not For Profit has big plans for a 2.3ha site in the suburb of Felixstow, 6.7km from Adelaide’s CBD, where its Aldersgate Residential Aged Care Facility including the State Heritage listed Forsyth House lies. 

It is seeking a rezoning of the site from the South Australian Government to allow six-storey tall buildings. Uniting Communities’ plan is for an “intergenerational” series of about 120 homes includes retirement living, aged care and affordable and social housing, along with Build to Rent apartments for families. It would also bring together Uniting Communities’ existing aged care and specialist dementia care offerings with independent disability living. 

The project aims for up to 41 Build to Rent apartments for families, and another 20 slated as affordable or social housing. There would be up to six independent units for adults with disabilities and six specialist disability units and up to 57 independent living units, some specialising for seniors living with dementia. 

Nick Champion, State Minister for Housing and Urban Development, said the state proposes rezoning the land to allow Uniting Communities to deliver a new, integrated community. 

“This proposal looks at providing more housing and lifestyle choices for Adelaide’s increasingly ageing population,” said the Minister. 

“As well as providing more housing, the proposal looks at supporting infrastructure as well as community facilities.” 

Uniting Communities Chief Executive Simon Schrapel said, at this stage, over 50% of the proposed master plan incorporates open, green community space creating a place for neighbours and community members. 

“We’ve seen what is possible from our groundbreaking, certified whole carbon neutral building, U City, which has been a fantastic, internationally recognised example of mixed-use development and community building,” Simon said. 

This move follows last month’s announcement the state government is investigating changing its Accommodation Diversity Code Amendment to allow the possibility of six-storey retirement villages

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