The Department of Health and Aged Care has revealed the members of the Federal Government's new Aged Care Transition Taskforce, which met for the first time last Thursday (28 November 2024).
The Taskforce has been established to provide oversight and stewardship of the aged care reforms implemented through the Aged Care Act 2024, and will focus on five key areas:
- drafting of subordinate legislation and implementing the associated rules;
- education and training;
- communication and change management support;
- funding and fee structures; and
- data and digital responses.
The Taskforce will help the Government identify and address issues that arise through the implementation of the reforms and provide advice to the Minister for Aged Care. The group will also monitor and evaluate the progress of the reforms.
The Taskforce members are:
- Anne Burgess AM - Chair
- Michael Lye, Deputy Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Group, Department of Health and Aged Care - Deputy Chair
- Janet Anderson (PSM), Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner
- Professor Tanya Buchanan, CEO, Dementia Australia
- Annie Butler, Federal Secretary, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
- Professor Jody Currie, Professor of Practice, Queensland University of Technology
- Dr Paresh Dawda, General Practitioner, Principal and Director, Presantia Health and Next Practice
- Tim Dymond, Senior Policy Analyst, United Workers Union
- Craig Gear OAM, CEO, Older Persons Advocacy Network
- Amanda Hawton, Executive Director, Reform, Australian Unity
- Emma Hossack, CEO, Medical Software Industry Association
- Andrea Kelly, Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner, Department of Health and Aged Care
- Claerwen Little, National Director, UnitingCare Australia
- Deirdre McGill, Chief Operating Officer, Home & Community Support, Bolton Clarke
- Simon Miller, CEO, Anglicare
- Natalie Molloy, Head of Operations and Clinical Governance, HammondCare
- Patricia Sparrow, CEO, COTA Australia
- Tom Symondson, CEO, Ageing Australia (formerly the Aged and Community Care Providers Association)
- Stephen Teulan, Board Chair, Catholic Healthcare
- Lloyd Williams, National Secretary, Health Services Union