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IHACPA extends $8M consultant contract for 2024 Residential Aged Care Cost Collection

1 min read

The Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) last month extended an $8 million contract with HealthConsult, commissioning the healthcare consultant to gather residential aged care pricing information that will be used by the Government to set price and funding levels. 

Scyne Advisory, formerly PwC, conducted IHACPA's previous Residential Aged Care Costing Study, for the period 2023.

'Costing studies’ help IHACPA understand how much residential aged care and Support at Home services cost; their findings influence the costing advice IHACPA gives the Department of Health and Aged Care. 

In 2023, IHACPA undertook two cost collections, the Residential Aged Care Costing Study and the Support at Home Costing Study

“IHACPA has partnered with two different suppliers on each occasion to complete this work to the required standard,” IHACPA said in a statement to The SOURCE.  

Once collected, the data is analysed and approved by IHACPA, and a final report is published on its website. 

Last month, IHACPA also extended a $2 million contract with Ernst & Young for the Support at Home Costing Study 2024.

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