Home care
Informal carers left out of Home Care QI proposal: Carers Australia

Informal carers are the "main source of support" for older people living at home and an additional 'carer's experience domain' should be added to the proposed expansion of the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator (QI) Program to include Home Care services.

In its submission to the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care on the Consultation Paper for expanded QI program to include Home Care, Carers Australia said the proposed expansion did not take carers' views into account.

“Informal carers are a critical element of the aged care system for older people. They reduce the need for formal care, supplement the care provided by aged care services, and maintain critical social and community connections," the Productivity Commission wrote in its recent proposal to extend unpaid carer leave.

Carers Australia states, "The quality indicators for in-home care should capture the perspective of carers who support the home care client, on the basis that while they are not the consumer, they are an integral part of the delivery of aged care."

The Department of Health and Aged Care published details of consultation on expansion of the National Aged Care Mandatory QI Program into Home Care on 1 July 2024.

The new quality indicators will not start before 1 July 2026 and will only apply to providers under the new Support at Home program.

The Consultation paper on the Establishment of a National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program for in-home aged care services is available here.

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