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“Older Australians will have to contribute more to aged care”: former AMA President

1 min read

Aged care services under the new rights based Aged Care Act will be "heavily rationed", Dr Michael Gannon, President of the AMA between 2016 and 2018 and board member of West Australian aged care and retirement living provider Amana Living, has warned in an op-ed in The Australian this week.

Rationing is "at odds" with the Royal Commission’s recommendations," Dr Gannon said.

"The Act will deliver significant growth in the number of home care packages. But the demographics and the future growth in demand are frightening," he said.

"There is much to be excited about in the new Act. We are a kind and generous society. We are willing to support the care of older Australians through our taxation system.

"But there are limits to what will be provided as the proportion of older Australians increases in relation to the number of people who are net contributors to the tax system.

"Future governments will require finesse and skill in managing the sector and the demographic cliff facing us. 

"Those of us working in the aged-care sector maintain our concerns about the financial sustainability of our sector.

"Whatever the case, many older Australians are going to have the contribute more to be able to live healthy and well in the years ahead."

Read the article here if you have a subscription.  

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