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Arabic-speaking co-located retirement and aged care home proposed by St Maurice Aged Care

1 min read

A previously approved six-storey mixed residential development with senior housing in Blacktown, 34km west of Sydney’s CBD, has been resubmitted as a seven-storey co-located retirement living and aged care facility to be called St Maurice Village.

Its new seven-storey building will deliver 36 assisted living and independent living units and 42 residential aged care beds.

St Maurice is a Not For Profit serving the Coptic community in southwest Sydney.

It owns and operates the 100-bed aged care facility Arete Health Care (Bankstown), with one floor dedicated to the Coptic Community, where Arabic speaking staff are employed to assist residents and bridge communication difficulties, a joint venture with Ark Health Care.

The McNally Architects-designed plans retain the non-residential uses for the shoptop site, with ancillary retail and commercial uses including wellness centre (21msq) hair salon (18msq), café (35msq), and 62.2msq  medical centre.

St Maurice Aged Care, chaired by retired Professor Abd-Elmasih Malak, said the project remained consistent with the State Environmental Planning Policy which “incentivises density for seniors housing on sites where residential flat buildings and shop top housing are permitted”.

The Coptic Orthodox Church, also known as the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, is an Oriental Orthodox Christian church based in Egypt, serving Africa and the Middle East.

Coptics believe in the Trinity of God – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. However, Coptics believe that Jesus was created by God and that, unlike God the Father, Jesus is a finite being who is not eternal or divine, in and of Himself.

The SOURCE: This is possibly the first medium rise co-located village and RAC in the country by a small operator

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