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Wellness centre and rideshare program brings residents and members of the community together

1 min read

One of New Zealand’s largest retirement villages operators, Arvida, plans to roll the program out across the country.

Arvida has developed a successful initiative called Arvida Good Friends in Christchurch, which combines a number of services and activities that keep older people active and engaged in the community.

The Living Well Centre in the Christchurch Village contains a heated swimming pool and purpose-built gym, as well as a range of activity sessions from line dancing to walking groups, aquablast sessions to quiz nights. They offer activities to suit a range of people and fitness levels.

Good Friends Go is a rideshare service that connects residents with friendly and experienced drivers. They are then taken on local trips (door to door) such as to doctor’s appointments or to the shops.

The service connects older people with their community and, in particular, to visit the popular Living Well Centre.

There is a range of membership options available. Members are able to enjoy the services of Arvida Good Friends at the Living Well Centre, and then sit down for a cuppa with friends at the centre’s Natter Café.

Located next to Arvida Park Lane community, the initiative isn’t just open to Arvida residents but to all older people in the Christchurch region too. It’s a powerful sales tool.

Arvida Good Friends is an innovative program that leans into the company’s overall wellness approach - The Attitude of Living WellTM - which has five pillars: eating, moving, resting, thinking and engaging well.

While it is early days, the initiative is being looked at for roll out in other regions across New Zealand.

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