Digital edition
Rolled gold or bust: operators weigh the risk – and reward – of building aged care beds

The Government’s response to the Aged Care Taskforce – and the new funding that will flow from increased consumer contributions  is encouraging some operators to re-examine the business case for new beds. Even our largest operators say it is still financially unviable to embark on wider building projects.

Sector CFOs say there needs to be further reform of aged care funding to ensure operators can gain the support of the banks, and other sources of capital, to deliver the new accommodation that the Baby Boomers will need and demand.

Prior to the release of the Government’s response to the Taskforce earlier this month, SATURDAY conducted a survey of Chief Financial Officers across the sector, asking if aged care providers were prepared to embark on building new beds and the timeframe for any projects.

Only a small number said their organisation had beds that were ‘shove

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