Digital edition
The path to Plan B and the Aged Care Taskforce: a look back at the timeline

Two-and-a-half years in the making, the journey to increased consumer contributions has been long – but still quicker than originally forecast.

When DCM Group launched Plan B in February 2022, we were told that increased consumer contributions were a five-year journey for the Australian Government and the community. Two-and-a-half years later, Australia now has bipartisan support for a new funding model to not only deliver a more sustainable system, but also provide better care for future generations.

February 2022

The DCM Group launches Plan B: a strategy to make aged care funding sustainable by introducing increased consumer contributions for aged care accommodation and daily living expenses for those who have the means to pay. DCM Group begins targeting mainstream media with press releases and content to drive conversation in the community around Plan B.

March 2022

Ahead of the 2022 LEADERS SU

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