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KPMG survey: up to 80% of aged care providers fail to answer potential customer calls

1 min read

Only 50% of these callers also received a call back while 100% of providers asked callers to visit MyAgedCare before answering questions regarding home care, according to the consultancy firm’s new survey.

Their “mystery shopping” survey of customer experience in the sector also found that 78% of operators had low or moderate knowledge of their own fees in the first call, and 80% of answered calls resulted in the customer being send an information pack or being told to visit the facility to have their questions answered.

KPMG also found consumers were most frustrated by confusing fee arrangements; a lack of relevant information in response to questions; and an inability to provide information on waiting lists for facilities.

70% of operators could not definitively answer questions due to a lack of information or a reluctance to talk without an assessment through MyAgedCare.

Across retirement village operators, customers were unhappy with the lack of relevant information and poor response to enquiries, with:

  • 80% of operators not answering calls;
  • Only 50% of calls being returned when customers left messages;
  • 60% of providers having out-of-date content on their website.

In home care, the main frustrations were a lack of transparency about prices and having to give the same information to each provider.

  • 30% of operators did not return calls;
  • 60% of operators could not adequately answer questions;
  • 60% of Home Care Package providers did not advertise their current prices.

You can download the full report here.

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