Legal issues
Lifestyle Communities’ legal spat with Stockland over the phrase “lifestyle communities” is settled. But is it?

The legal spat in the Federal Court, which started in October 2023, between the two operators of land lease communities is over, according to the South Melbourne-based owner and operator. 

James Kelly’s Lifestyle Communities was upset that Stockland was actively promoting its land lease locations as ‘lifestyle communities’. 

Stockland filed its cross-claim in the Federal Court in November 2023 arguing that the registered trademark of rival Lifestyle Communities’ name should be cancelled. 

But it appears that Stockland perhaps has better things to do with its time (and funds). 

James, Co-Founder and MD of Lifestyle Communities, informed the ASX in a statement. “Lifestyle Communities is pleased to announce that it has resolved legal proceedings with Stockland in relation to the phrases “Lifestyle Communities”, “Lifestyle Community” and other similar phrases and has discontinued its proceedings. Stockland has also discontinued its claim in relation to Lifestyle Communities’ registered trademarks,”  

“The parties have agreed to an appropriate arrangement that recognises the need for suppliers to offer to consumers products that are clearly described and easily understood. Lifestyle Communities’ trademarks will remain registered. 

“Otherwise, the terms of the resolution are confidential between the parties and no further comment will be made.” 

A person and person sitting on a wheelchairDescription automatically generated
One of the advertisements for Stockland Halcyon that irked Lifestyle Communities  

But…a quick Google search still finds Stockland saddled with the phrase “lifestyle communities” (see above) although it was not on any Stockland Halcyon brochure The SOURCE is now reading. 

Lifestyle Communities has 32 communities in active development or under management in Victoria, while Stockland  has 21 communities either established or in development in four states.  

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