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Mbark hopes by May to have clarity on its 10-year bid to build retirement village in Canberra

1 min read

Friends of Federal Fairways, which now has 70 followers on its Facebook page, had its claim the development application for the proposed retirement village on 6ha of Federal Golf Club's course, was incorrectly assessed under the wrong act rejected by the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. 

The tribunal found, in an order published on January 30, that an approved development application for 125 over-50s homes was made before November 27, 2023, which means it was correctly assessed under an old planning act. 

David Consalvi, Mbark Co-Founder and Managing Director, told The Weekly SOURCE  the review will now proceed to a final hearing in March and April where the other matters contested by Friends of Federal Fairways will be heard.  

“We expect the decision on that final hearing to be made by May, at which time we will have clarity on the status of this approval,” he said. 

The upmarket village operator, which owns and operates The Arbour in Berry, 143km south of Sydney, and Wivenhoe Village in Cobbity, 65km southwest of Sydney, was given a 99-year peppercorn lease in October 2015 to develop a village with amenities to provide an on-going revenue stream to the golf club. Club members voted and accepted the golf club retirement village plan the following year.    

In November last year, Mbark was given conditional approval of a lease variation by the ACT Government to build the retirement village of 125 dwellings (77 houses and 48 units in six three-storey blocks) on 6ha of the club's golf course.

Browse the #1 retirement and community living website villages.com.au

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