The elderly woman had to be taken to hospital for treatment after she was repeatedly kicked by one of three teenagers who scaled the security fence at Arcadia Waters’ retirement village in Wandina, Geraldton, 420km north of Perth, Western Australia, and kicked down a door into her home.
The attack was so savage that the magistrate detained him in custody.
Police arrested three boys, aged 13, 14 and 16, who appeared in Geraldton Children's Court on 10 June to face charges including burglary, robbery in circumstances of aggravation, stealing, and stealing a motor vehicle.
The court heard the female resident confronted the teenagers, who allegedly stole her handbag, credit cards and car keys, before they fled. A brief time later the group allegedly returned to steal her car and were opening the garage door when the elderly woman confronted them again.
CCTV footage of the incident played to the court showed two teenagers outside the woman's home as the garage door opened. The footage showed another teenager in the garage kicking the woman in the chest, knocking her to the ground.
Geraldton Police officer-in-charge Senior Sergeant Chris Martin said it was a disgraceful and disappointing incident.
The incident came after the arrest of 10 juveniles after a break-in at the same retirement village and a spate of thefts during a weekend in April.
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