Living with dementia
Govt gives $1.3M to Monash University to update dementia care guidelines

Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells (pictured above) has announced the Government is providing $1.3 million to Monash University to update the Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia, which were last updated in 2016. 

Prof Velandai Srikanth
Geriatrician and Director
National Centre for Healthy Ageing

The update will ensure the recommendations, which have been written for people working in aged care and health to provide guidance on how to care for people living with dementia, reflect the most current evidence and best practices. 

Co-chair of the guideline development program, Prof Velandai Srikanth, Geriatrician and Director of the National Centre for Healthy Ageing, said, “This important work led by the National Centre for Healthy Ageing will bring together a team of national and international clinical and academic experts in dementia care, along with partners such as Dementia Australia and other key organisations.”

Dementia causes the greatest burden of disease for Australians over 65 and is the second leading burden of disease overall.  

The updated guidelines are expected to be released mid-2026.

The current Clinical Practice Guidelines and Principles of Care for People with Dementia are available here

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