The coalition of 52 national aged care organisations – including consumer groups, providers, unions and health professionals – has launched a national campaign calling for action on the extensive home care waiting list and investment in a high-quality aged care workforce.
The Age Well campaign is timed with the upcoming Federal election and last week’s Federal Budget announcement.
NACA’s press release combines Pat Sparrow from ACSA and Annie Butler from the ANMF – an unusual pairing.
It is asking all local members to commit to increased staff numbers and skills mix, and also calls for increased funding for home care.
Chief Executive of COTA Australia, Ian Yates, said he was “utterly dumbfounded” that neither the Government or Opposition allocated any new funds to addressing the 125,000-person-long home care wait list.
In a statement to the Royal Commission, First Assistant Secretary for In Home Aged Care, Department of Health, Fiona Buffington, forecast it would cost between $2-2.5 billion annually to reduce the HCP wait list to no more than three months.
“The Government and all candidates must stand up and commit to ending the home care waiting list nightmare”, said Mr Yates.
Age Well is being officially endorsed by ACSA, COTA, Anglicare, the ANMF, Carers Australia, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils Australia (FECCA), the Health Services Union (HSU) the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN), United Voice – and many other organisations.
Learn more about the campaign and its full list of supporters here.