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Not For Profit Scalabrini opens the doors on its new Sydney facility – offering luxury apartments for couples to stay with partners

1 min read

The winner of the 2018 Healthcare Week Excellence Award for Best Aged Care Facility, the $90 million The Village by Scalabrini in Drummoyne, 7km from the CBD, is based on the household model with residents living in individual houses (Casas) with the assistance of carers.

The facility also houses The Palazzo, one or two-bedroom luxury apartments for people who have care needs but want to live independently, or for couples who have different care requirements, but want to stay together and the primary carer to give up some or all of their caring role.

‘‘The distinguishing factor at The Village by Scalabrini is the ease with which residents can maintain normal patterns of life with a connection to the wider community,” Scalabrini Chief Executive Officer Elaine Griffin says.

“We encourage families and friends, neighbours and people in the community living with dementia to visit and engage with each other.”

Nurse stations have also been replaced with mobile technology, with all staff carrying handsets so they can spend more time with residents.

Other features include:

  • Better lighting to compensate for age-related and cognitive decline in vision
  • The use of visual cues. For example, resident doors are highlighted in different colours, patterns and textures, while all other doors are blended in with the adjacent walls;
  • Automated lift access and smart lift navigation;
  • Sensor flooring; and
  • Hidden compartments outside each room where staff can leave items for a resident and keyless access to rooms for extra privacy.

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