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Oakden fallout continues: SA Govt backs down on state aged care audit

1 min read

The Government had announced it would audit 46 state-run aged care facilities and 19 mental health inpatient services in the wake of revelations of abuse and mistreatment at the Oakden Older Persons Mental Health facility last April.

But SA Health confirmed last week the four-person audit team had only looked at the mental health centres.

A spokeswoman for SA Health said: “While initially we were considering aged-care facilities as part of this audit, given the number of federal bodies conducting reviews into these facilities, and the need to get results in a timely way, the review was focused on mental-health inpatient facilities.”

However none of the national inquiries into Oakden have involved audits of SA aged care facilities.

The news came as Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC) Commissioner Bruce Lander published his final report into Oakden which made findings of maladministration against five people but cleared former health minister Jack Snelling and former mental health minister Leesa Vlahos.

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