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Fact: the village sector understands retirement accommodation. It is time to shine

1 min read

NSW Planning has just delivered the 'worst-case scenario for the seniors housing industry’ in its Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy, leaving retirement villages behind as ‘road kill’, according to Ethos Urban.

In summary, affordable housing and others received ratio concessions to fast track new housing, leaving village developers at a commercial disadvantage when bidding for land and project viability.

All housing sectors need support, but ageing Australians need it to take pressure off all aspects of health (including mental health) infrastructure.

By keeping the status quo, the community cost will be exponential, as more seniors clog up GPs, home care and hospitals. Young taxpayers will be paying $1500 a day for a a senior in a hospital bed rather than a maximum of $1500 a week for a Level 4+ home care package in the ideal environment of a retirement village.

Why doesn’t NSW Planning understand this, especially with the advocacy efforts of the Retirement Living Council, backed by the state Property Council offices?

The answer, they most probably do understand but it is too easy to strike the village sector out.

It is time for the sector to shine, by engaging the community in the conversation to the extent that policy groups can’t simply dismiss the advocacy – and common sense.

As we highlighted at the LEADERS SUMMIT, the media is already becoming thick with tragic stories of seniors in dire situations of alone-ness. Soon every older Australian will have a friend in a grim position (I had a close friend die last week only to be discovered four days later).

Now is the time to strategise a public campaign, collect some cash from all players and commence what will be a two year transformation of public understanding of what retirement villages offer.

If the sector doesn’t, the only certainty is that in 2027, when the next annual wave of seniors turning 80 doubles, we will be no further ahead. It will be grim times.

The tough need to get going now.

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