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Today, with 78-year-old President Trump in America and 30-something Adrian Puljich and Patrick Abolakian in Australia, each stand out – but we are in better hands

2 min read

What a day. The US and the world looks to Trump to make America (and the world?) great with his inauguration and his deportation of immigrants. 

Here in Australia’s seniors living sector, we have two sons of immigrants leading the way to support older Australians also in their 70s and 80s, or the same age as Trump. 

Adrian Puljich (son of immigrant Peter from Croatia), and Patrick Abolakian (son of Michael from Armenia), are both seniors living innovators and risk takers on a grand scale. They are leading in ‘new thinking’. 

Starting with Adrian, this week he announced that his GemLife land lease community business has won QLD approval to develop a vertical land lease community at Currumbin on the Gold Coast (pictured below). 

That is correct; land lease apartments that don’t sit on the ground and which he tells us are ‘moveable’. He has an approved DA and with it, as he says, this will revolutionise seniors living apartments by adding true community, plus it will open large regions that previously could not accommodate land lease. 

He is confident that his vertical model can be rolled out around Australia, and we should listen as Adrian and his brothers have built on his father’s legacy with Living Gems, GemLife and now Adrian’s personal LLC brand, Aliria. 

Adrian will speak at the LEADERS SUMMIT on his vertical land lease community, and also why he believes council service charges should be higher, not lower. 

Meanwhile Patrick Abolakian and his brothers are veteran high-end apartment builders, but seven years ago they decided to enter the retirement village sector.  

Hyecorp Team | Award-Winning Property Developer Sydney

Their first development is Hyegrove in conservative Willoughby (Sydney), a high-end retirement village with 47 aged care beds offering private user pays aged care, across three small home levels. 

Their first project is a $180 million development with this unique private aged care ‘small homes’ offering across three level – a big bet that is paying off. Pre-sales exceed targets and price per square metre. 

A construction site with a crane

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Their investment, quality of strategic thinking and execution are extraordinary. The hands-on commitment of the family members is resulting in services beyond almost any other established village operator, along with significant prices being achieved. 

Patrick will speak at the LEADERS SUMMIT on Hyegrove, the business model and his vision of future development in an unfriendly developer economic environment. 

With these young leaders, older Australians have a brighter light on the seniors living development horizon. 

Two extraordinary speakers plus another 38 at the LEADERS SUMMIT (but no President Trump). 

Learn more HERE, and join 500 of your colleagues in premium networking and learnings, at the LEADERS SUMMIT, 18 and 19 March in Sydney.