Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) CEO Paul Sadler (above) will serve as the first interim CEO of the new Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA), with Sean Rooney stepping down as head of Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) ahead of the merger.
Paul will step into the role on 1 June ahead of the completion of the merger on 1 July, with five General Managers underneath him; this structure will continue until September, or until a permanent CEO is appointed.
According to Paul, this structure will provide the benefits of working as a unified organisation from the beginning.
“Now we have the mandate to build a single industry voice, it’s vital that we also behave and communicate as a single team.
“This enables a single focus on ACCPA’s long-term organisational structure and member services so our collaborative and unified approach to working with consumers, communities and government can begin,” he said.
“It has been a privilege to lead the outstanding team at LASA, work with a terrific Board, and do my best in representing and supporting the passionate and professional organisations and staff that provide care and support for older Australians.
“As I look to my future, I hope I can find other ways to contribute to the ageing and aged care agenda in Australia, whilst doing all I can to ensure that ACCPA realises its full potential,” he said.
ACCPA announced its Board last week.