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Private aged care operator Odyssey to apply to add a fourth building to its first development at Robina QLD: ‘waiting list a foot long’

1 min read

Odyssey Lifestyle Care Founder and CEO Phil Usher said he will apply to Gold Coast Council to add a new building, Biarritz, at its Robina community.

“We own the block of land next to Odyssey and Biarritz will be our fourth stage. It will have 1,000sqm of amenities and will be connected by a skybridge to the main site, which has Malibu, Ipanema and Waikiki (pictured), which is scheduled to open in July,” said Phil.

“Malibu and Ipanema are sold out and Waikiki is 54 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments with a 12-bed Memory Lane. There’s a waiting list a foot long. You need to get in now before it’s too late.”

Odyssey’s Memory Lane, which features Jodie’s Place, is a safe and secure area for residents living with dementia with specialist staff on hand to support them. It will be expanded in the fourth building.

“What we are doing is what may be seen as alternative. We have the Little Scholars Early Learning in to interact with and stimulate the residents, who also do painting, singing and music,” said Phil.

“Biarritz will have an expanded Jodie’s Place, which will be used as a respite day centre to give families of people living with dementia a rest.”