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Resident associations and their contribution to the Code of Conduct

1 min read

The RLC committed to consult with residents on the development of the Code of Conduct. We asked Alistair Christie to comment. Here is his response:

I welcome the release of the draft Retirement Living Code of Conduct for public comment, following twelve months’ consultation within the Retirement Living Industry.

The development and implementation of the code is part of the eight-point plan initiated by the Retirement Living Council in July last year. Members of national, state and territory bodies of Retirement Village Residents, have provided response during the development in face to face meetings, phone calls and by email. Those guiding the Code’s formation have welcomed, listened, valued and noted input.

The draft Code, supported by the three peak bodies representing retirement living owners and operators; the Property Council of Australia, Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) and Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) is intended to cover residents, staff and operators in all retirement villages (whatever they are called).  People who haven’t yet commented on the draft document, need to do so by July 20th.

It does not cover Residential Care facilities.

Alistair Christie


Australian Retirement Village Residents’ Association Inc.

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