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Retirement Living Council membership soars 20%

1 min read

The Property Council of Australia's Retirement Living Council division, headed by Executive Director Daniel Gannon, has had innovative LDK Seniors Living, ECH, with over 109 retirement villages in South Australia, and The Village Retirement Group, which owns and operates five villages in Queensland, all become members since the start of this financial year. 

It means the peak body has had a 20% increase in membership after announcing in October last year two leading Not For Profits had joined.

President Tony Randello said in July 2023 that his target was: “To grow the membership from 30% of the sector to 50%,” he told SATURDAY magazine.

Under Daniel's tireless leadership, in the 2023-2024 financial year the Retirement Living Council had 1,830 media mentions.

“The work of the RLC as the national peak body for the retirement and seniors’ living sector is powered by membership – it fuels the advocacy we undertake and the thought leadership we prepare," said Daniel.

"The RLC has increased its membership pool by approximately 20% in the last 18 months, which was demonstrated recently by a sold out National Retirement Living Summit.

"This comes after a 12-month period defined by important thought leadership, including Better Housing for Better Health and our Shared Care framework, alongside recognition in the Prime Minister’s 1.2 million new homes target.

"These documents have been a key focus of our engagement and connection with Premiers, Treasurers, Ministers responsible for Health, Ageing, Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Consumer Affairs, Homelessness, and Aged Care portfolios."

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