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How Hayylo uncovers the unknown value of communication

6 min read

“Every phone call takes time and costs around $5. Client visits change on average about about 5 to 10 times a month. At scale, managing all this constant change has a price tag to the provider — costing the sector over $500 million a year.”

“Hayylo’s communication platform lifts away repetitive work from teams, it empowers them to work differently, think differently and provide new levels of support to the client’s teams and frontline staff. It is so easy to use, and it saves so much time.”

— Greg Satur, CEO, Hayylo

For operators, the communication pressure has been unprecedented between care providers, field staff and clients.

Inefficient communication delivers frustration, mistakes, poor customer experience and more staff contact to rectify. And more staff time is the biggest challenge.

Frustrated with ineffective communication between care organisations and their grandparents, Simon Heaysman and Greg Satur (pictured) created Hayylo in 2016. They now support over 65,000 clients and their families.

Hayylo is a seamless client communication platform that provides real-time and transparent communication between providers and their clients and families — connecting and engaging in tailored ways that best suits them – by a branded app, via SMS chat or email, or even through self-serve via a dedicated phone line.

Greg Satur explains 60% of all enquiries are: “Who is going to visit me? Can I change something? Can I cancel?”

Hayylo’s communication platform is key to unburdening teams to lift the common repetitive communication they undertake and automate it in an acceptable way. Importantly, the automation saves time for care providers, as well as their frontline and field staff.

Hayylo empowers clients to “see” their visits across apps, SMS and other communication methods. Hayylo automatically notifies clients and families when visits change. This frees up time for care teams to focus on quality care.

Return on Investment (ROI)

“Every phone call takes 3.5 minutes on average and costs around $5. Client visits change on average about five to ten times per month. Across a provider supporting 1000 clients, this equates to more than 550 hours of effort and $27,000 in cost per month on this topic alone. At scale, managing all this constant change has a price tag to providers, supporting 1.2 million clients – costing the sector well over $500 million a year,” said Greg.

Hayylo’s communication platform lifts away repetitive work from teams, empowering them to work differently, think differently and provide new levels of support to the client’s teams and frontline staff. It is so easy to use, and it saves so much time.

The Hayylo platform helps providers with:

  • Automated service notifications (instead of calling clients for each change);
  • 24/7 access to schedules and care information reducing calls into busy teams;
  • Digital update and distribution of care documentation, statements and invoices (instead of using snail mail) saving time and cost; and
  • Automatic update of the Single Client Record (eliminating manual data entry and double handling).

For a provider supporting 1000 clients, this equates to over 550 hours saved in admin costs per month.

“We have also created a purpose-built ROI calculator so that a provider can see firsthand their savings in both time and money, relative to how many clients they support,” says Simon Heaysman.

Onboarding in weeks

“Hayylo provides a fully supported rollout of communication that pays for itself in return on investment, with the ability to deliver value to care teams in a matter of weeks at scale. 

“Significant value is returned at a time when cost pressures are increasing alongside client demand and the need for providers to scale.”

Below are three case studies of Hayylo in action.

First, consider downloading the whitepaper today on how to remove roadblocks to care in your organisation.

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HAYYLO case study: Carrington Care, Sydney

Raad Richards (pictured), CEO of Carrington Care, which provides community care, retirement living, assisted care and aged care in Sydney’s southwest, said the company needed to improve its communication between staff and clients.

“We went to other providers and looked at their systems. In July/August last year we chose Hayylo. It was implemented by October/November. We then had to teach our clients how to use it and set a target of 25% usage,” said Raad.

“I have to keep changing the targets as now 70% of our community care clients are using Hayylo. This is unheard of and Hayylo wants to know what is happening, what our staff, our clients are saying about it, and if the tool can be improved. We are now introducing it to our 41 assisted living apartments. I am very pleased with Hayylo.”

HAYYLO case study: Life Care, Adelaide

Allen Candy, CEO of Life Care (pictured), the Adelaide-based provider of aged care, seniors living, respite and in-home services, first met Hayylo’s founders Simon Heaysman and Greg Satur at the LEADERS SUMMIT in 2019.

“Their presentation blew me away and then when we went for dinner afterwards, Greg and Simon were at my table. It sounded right for our home care operations, and when I got back to Adelaide I told my General Manager Operations. She said she was aware of Hayylo but thought IT would never allow it!

“We approached them about home care, but COVID-19 broke out and Hayylo was able to fast track its platforms into residential aged care. So we had Hayylo working across home care and aged care when no other business was prepared to do that,” said Allen.

“Hayylo is quick and agile, and it enabled us to share stories and videos to families throughout the lockdown. I would say the company is innovative and progressive.

“Apart from software updates, Hayylo will contact us and tell us what they are doing for other clients that might benefit us. They will listen to our ideas and implement them if they agree.

“Hayylo’s software is efficient and flexible for the business and provides families with a greater insight and more confidence about what is happening with their loved one, without interfering,” said Allen.

Interoperability: Hayylo selected by Telstra Health

Michael Donnelly (pictured), Head of Aged and Disability, Telstra Health, partnered with Hayylo because “they are delivering real value to our clients”.

“Hayylo won Bentley’s CareFactor Aged Care Incubator Program in 2019. At the same time, our home care clients were telling us they had bought Hayylo as a solution to manage the growing problem of efficiently communicating with families of those receiving home care services. There was increasing client demand, so we worked together on a solid integration and the client feedback has been very positive,” said Michael.

“We partnered with Hayylo as they were providing something we were not.  In the exploding home care space, Telstra Health has a strong focus on workforce management and compliance reporting.”

“There was a gap for us around provider and family interactions, such as appointment changes, billing enquiries and the surge of general queries. By Hayylo providing a solution to significantly automate these communications, this has helped our clients more efficiently manage this increasing workload.”

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