The new wave of consumer advocacy: Imagine you are the epicentre of tranquil five-acre block living just 37km northwest of Sydney CBD.
What would you think about being overrun by seniors?
The fear of becoming ‘geriatric cities’ has driven The Hills Shire Council to adopt a policy to object to all new retirement village applications for the time being, in the face of seven new potential developments.
They already have six retirement villages in the shire; the additional seven would take them to 13 and 4,500 homes. The shire measures 386 square kilometres.
On our website,, we have 50 villages listed within a 6km radius of Dural in the centre of the shire.
And the villages out there are big. The latest proposal will include 472 village homes, 44 serviced apartments and a 130-bed care facility.
Watch this space.