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Not For Profit Resthaven moves in new direction after taking over 11 Aveo retirement villages in South Australia

1 min read

The Not For Profit agency of the Uniting Church is now the fourth biggest retirement living provider in the state, with more than 1200 units after buying 11 villages from the Brookfield-owned operator. 

It acquired 799 units from Aveo, with Eldercare also buying two Aveo villages with 234 units. Aveo announced the $122 million sale in August.   

"Around 60 individuals have joined Resthaven as part of our Retirement Living staff team," Resthaven CEO Darren Birbeck said. ‘We have been pleased to get to know them over the past couple of months and are now delighted to officially welcome them to Resthaven to continue to support the residents within the villages. 

 "The acquisition complements our strategy of planned and considered growth and includes the transfer of approximately 90 home care recipients." 

The acquisition is of the following villages: 

Browse the #1 website villages.com.au and check availability for all retirement living and land lease resorts.  

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