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No winners in aged care strike action

1 min read

The unions’ push for industrial action ahead of the 2022 Federal Election will only damage the aged care sector and Labor’s chance to win over voters.

As we report below, at least 7,000 aged care workers at five different providers have voted to take industrial action with staff at several more providers weighing up joining in the strike.

But what will it achieve?

The unions are only leading this action now because of the election and their own political purposes – and everyone else will suffer the consequences.

Despite the unions’ pledges, providers will find the quality of their support and services impacted.

This will see the care of residents suffer – which in turn will anger families.

The image of aged care workers will be tarnished – because they will be seen to be putting their needs before those of their residents.

The move will also prove damaging to the Opposition as it will show that Labor doesn’t have power and control over the unions.

The action is also unlikely to gain any political traction.

As discussed last week, StewartBrown has costed Labor’s aged care promises at between $16 and $18 billion over the next four years.

Both the Coalition and Labor have already indicated that they will leave the decision on a wage increase for aged care workers to the Fair Work Commission to decide (though the Opposition has committed to back the FWC decision and fund any wage rise in full).

The FWC is due to start hearings into the aged care work value case next Tuesday with a final decision expected to be handed down in July.

Surely the efforts of the unions would be better focused towards lobbying the politicians to back the FWC decision – and commit the funds required?

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