The Department says it can only provide masks at this stage with other PPE (including a gown, surgical mask, eye protection and gloves) to be provided “when available” – introducing a new process for aged care providers via email to that will prioritise facilities, programs and workers where there has been a confirmed case of coronavirus.
“It is important to remember that if you do not have a confirmed case of COVID-19 within your facility, program or service you should expect delays in receiving your PPE due to the increase in demand,” their email reads.
Last week, they issued a public tender (pictured) to any local company that may be able to produce PPE to come forward – and more than 130 companies have reportedly out their hand up.
The Department has advised providers that aged care staff should only wear appropriate PPEs when they are providing care to a resident with a suspected case of coronavirus who is waiting on test results.
The only other circumstance where staff should need to wear additional PPE when providing care to a close contact of a COVID-19 case who has since tested positive or has developed symptoms of COVID-19 and is waiting for their test results – so if the close contact is not showing symptoms, they don’t need to wear the extra PPE.
If there is a confirmed COVID-19 case in their facility, staff are also only required to wear additional PPE if they have been deemed a close contact i.e. spent more than 15 minutes face-to-face with a confirmed case or shared a closed space for more than two hours with a confirmed case.
Will staff agree with these measures, however?
The experience overseas and here so far is that staff are scared of passing on the infection to their families and friends – to the point that they do not come to work.
If you have any questions about the use of PPE or if you require PPE, email